We departed Boyne City to meet up with My Mom and Aunt Barb back in Charlevoix. The dynamic duo are driving in from Grand Rapids MI for a two day visit including seeing us. Of course we have to get the boat ship shape and spend some time working on those details. I start that chore while under way.
The shoreline was full of surprises and we received a visit from boatpix.com ....I took their picture too...think they'll spring for it?
Shortly after their arrival we took off for a birthday boat ride (Mom takes one every August). The captain decides that we should re-trace our steps and go back into Lake Charlevoix to show them the many different boat types and awesome display of homes and cottages.
Of course the girls need to do some shopping and we break away from Captain Ron for a couple hours of power shopping... including a stop in Round Lake Gallery to see Sig's display. Driving to dinner at Kelsey's by Irish Marina takes us onto Belvedere Rd and we are again amazed at the wonderfully maintained huge cliff homes, manicured lawns and lovely beachfront that is private to owners. The homes kind of put you back into the 18 and 1900's...although I am not at all sure when most were built...I need to do some reading.
Glad to get hugs from home! My brain stores away all of the hugs and smiles from home to a safe place. If I get lonely, I can always pull them out.
A wonderful Skype visit with my friend Lynda helps too. I was able to also Skype with Signe a few days back....I always feel better after girl talk. If you haven't tried Skype for a good visit with loved ones..please do. It's amazing how much better you can communicate with someone when you can see their expressions and gestures.
Petosky was a great layover to get a final farewell from Mom. After a hot dog at the concession stand in the morning , we took off to St Ignace and they headed straight to The Casino! Happy Birthday and Good Luck at the Slots !!.
Chatter on marine radio 72 indicates Zot Yot is in the neighborhood and we soon spot him leading a couple of companions to Charlevoix... Zot Yot (Tom Szott), Shy Fox (Jimmy Schebil) and Eagle One (JR.) coming right at us. This is not going to be pretty as they pass on both sides creating tremendous wakes so they can make their bridge opening. It's good to see them and touch base by radio.
I am getting anxious and can't help feeling a bit sad as the compass is pointing East which indicates we are heading towards home. We skipped through St Ignace for a quick laundry and grocery run. The next day we took our time
and made a pass by the Mackinaw Island Grand Hotel, Fort Mackinaw and Round Island Lighthouse before aiming the boat towards the Cheboygan River entrance. My next entry will highlight those photos.
You really must make each years blog and pictures into a book. They are so much fun to read and the pictures are spectacular. Miss you.